13 research outputs found

    Towards Automatic Generation of Shareable Synthetic Clinical Notes Using Neural Language Models

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    Large-scale clinical data is invaluable to driving many computational scientific advances today. However, understandable concerns regarding patient privacy hinder the open dissemination of such data and give rise to suboptimal siloed research. De-identification methods attempt to address these concerns but were shown to be susceptible to adversarial attacks. In this work, we focus on the vast amounts of unstructured natural language data stored in clinical notes and propose to automatically generate synthetic clinical notes that are more amenable to sharing using generative models trained on real de-identified records. To evaluate the merit of such notes, we measure both their privacy preservation properties as well as utility in training clinical NLP models. Experiments using neural language models yield notes whose utility is close to that of the real ones in some clinical NLP tasks, yet leave ample room for future improvements.Comment: Clinical NLP Workshop 201

    Receptivity of an AI Cognitive Assistant by the Radiology Community: A Report on Data Collected at RSNA

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    Due to advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI), a new role is emerging for machines as intelligent assistants to radiologists in their clinical workflows. But what systematic clinical thought processes are these machines using? Are they similar enough to those of radiologists to be trusted as assistants? A live demonstration of such a technology was conducted at the 2016 Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA). The demonstration was presented in the form of a question-answering system that took a radiology multiple choice question and a medical image as inputs. The AI system then demonstrated a cognitive workflow, involving text analysis, image analysis, and reasoning, to process the question and generate the most probable answer. A post demonstration survey was made available to the participants who experienced the demo and tested the question answering system. Of the reported 54,037 meeting registrants, 2,927 visited the demonstration booth, 1,991 experienced the demo, and 1,025 completed a post-demonstration survey. In this paper, the methodology of the survey is shown and a summary of its results are presented. The results of the survey show a very high level of receptiveness to cognitive computing technology and artificial intelligence among radiologists

    Diagnosis-Specific Readmission Risk Prediction Using Electronic Health Data: a Retrospective Cohort Study

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    Background: Readmissions after hospital discharge are a common occurrence and are costly for both hospitals and patients. Previous attempts to create universal risk prediction models for readmission have not met with success. In this study we leveraged a comprehensive electronic health record to create readmission-risk models that were institution- and patient- specific in an attempt to improve our ability to predict readmission. Methods: This is a retrospective cohort study performed at a large midwestern tertiary care medical center. All patients with a primary discharge diagnosis of congestive heart failure, acute myocardial infarction or pneumonia over a two-year time period were included in the analysis. The main outcome was 30-day readmission. Demographic, comorbidity, laboratory, and medication data were collected on all patients from a comprehensive information warehouse. Using multivariable analysis with stepwise removal we created three risk disease-specific risk prediction models and a combined model. These models were then validated on separate cohorts. Results: 3572 patients were included in the derivation cohort. Overall there was a 16.2% readmission rate. The acute myocardial infarction and pneumonia readmission-risk models performed well on a random sample validation cohort (AUC range 0.73 to 0.76) but less well on a historical validation cohort (AUC 0.66 for both). The congestive heart failure model performed poorly on both validation cohorts (AUC 0.63 and 0.64). Conclusions: The readmission-risk models for acute myocardial infarction and pneumonia validated well on a contemporary cohort, but not as well on a historical cohort, suggesting that models such as these need to be continuously trained and adjusted to respond to local trends. The poor performance of the congestive heart failure model may suggest that for chronic disease conditions social and behavioral variables are of greater importance and improved documentation of these variables within the electronic health record should be encouraged

    Identification, characterization, and grounding of gradable terms in clinical text

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    Gradable adjectives are inherently vague and are used by clinicians to document medical interpretations (e.g., severe reaction, mild symptoms). We present a comprehensive study of gradable adjectives used in the clinical domain. We automatically identify gradable adjectives and demonstrate that they have a substantial presence in clinical text. Further, we show that there is a specific pattern associated with their usage, where certain medical concepts are more likely to be described using these adjectives than others. Interpretation of statements using such adjectives is a barrier in medical decision making. Therefore, we use a simple probabilistic model to ground their meaning based on their usage in context

    Extending NegEx with Kernel Methods for Negation Detection in Clinical Text

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    NegEx is a popular rule-based system used to identify negated concepts in clinical notes. This system has been reported to perform very well by numerous studies in the past. In this paper, we demonstrate the use of kernel methods to extend the performance of NegEx. A kernel leveraging the rules of NegEx and its output as features, performs as well as the rule-based system. An improvement in performance is achieved if this kernel is coupled with a bag of words kernel. Our experiments show that kernel methods outperform the rule-based system, when evaluated within and across two different open datasets. We also present the results of a semi-supervised approach to the problem, which improves performance on the dat

    Corpus-based discovery of semantic intensity scales

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    Gradable terms such as brief, lengthy and extended illustrate varying degrees of a scale and can therefore participate in comparative constructs. Knowing the set of words that can be compared on the same scale and the associated ordering between them (brief < lengthy < extended) is very useful for a variety of lexical semantic tasks. Current techniques to derive such an ordering rely on WordNet to determine which words belong on the same scale and are limited to adjectives. Here we describe an extension to recent work: we investigate a fully automated pipeline to extract gradable terms from a corpus, group them into clusters reflecting the same scale and establish an ordering among them. This methodology reduces the amount of required handcrafted knowledge, and can infer gradability of words independent of their part of speech. Our approach infers an ordering for adjectives with comparable performance to previous work, but also for adverbs with an accuracy of 71%. We find that the technique is useful for inferring such rankings among words across different domains, and present an example using biomedical text

    Textual inference for eligibility criteria resolution in clinical trials

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    Clinical trials are essential for determining whether new interventions are effective. In order to determine the eligibility of patients to enroll into these trials, clinical trial coordinators often perform a manual review of clinical notes in the electronic health record of patients. This is a very time-consuming and exhausting task. Efforts in this process can be expedited if these coordinators are directed toward specific parts of the text that are relevant for eligibility determination. In this study, we describe the creation of a dataset that can be used to evaluate automated methods capable of identifying sentences in a note that are relevant for screening a patient's eligibility in clinical trials. Using this dataset, we also present results for four simple methods in natural language processing that can be used to automate this task. We found that this is a challenging task (maximum F-score=26.25), but it is a promising direction for further research